Dog wearing the cone of shame in Colombia

Mortifyingly obnoxious

Welp, this website used to be my private blog, but then I recently found out that Google is actually indexing this website so it’s showing up on search results, so this blog isn’t so private anymore. I guess that’s what you get when you don’t follow Google SEO changes as closely as you should.

In any case, I am going to refrain from blogging about anything that’s controversial. Might hamper my ability to gain employment. I believe employees have the right to vocalize their opinions online – especially in our modern-day society – but I know not all employers feel this way, so I guess there will be fewer personal blogs from now on.

I will say though, I feel absolutely terrible today. Maybe living in London has increased my compassion and empathy for others – which is likely – or maybe I’m just being overdramatic – which is also likely – but good gods, have you ever been in those moments where you just want to crawl into a hole and just die of embarrassment?

Because that’s me right now. Ugh.

Photo from: unsplash-logoIvan Rojas Urrea

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